Cave Of The Hands

In the Argentine province of Santa Cruz is the famous Cave of the hands - Quéva de Las Manos. The glory of this place came from many objects of archaeological and paleontological value. The Argentine Cave of Hands is located in the Pinturas Valley, in Francisco Moreno National Park. Its modern name, The Cave of the hands, was given due to the large number of wall paintings in the form of fingerprints that were left here by the Indian tribe Tehuhelches.
Although, they were most likely almost male, because the people at that time were much smaller in height.After exploring the cave, scientists have concluded that ancient paintings in the form of fingerprints were made more than nine thousand years ago. And the last images made by the Indians' ancestors in Patagonia date back to the first millennium BC.


Most likely, the Cave of the Hand has served to perform ritual rites, in particular, adolescents have begun a process of initiation, leaving a mark on their left hand on the wall of the cave.However, hands are not the only drawings on cave vaults.
Here you can see a variety of scenes from the life of their ancestors. For example, the cave depicts hunting for ostriches, cats, and images of various geometric figures, humans, predators. The hunting scenes give an excellent idea of the weapons of those days called "blasse," which are the traditional weapons of the tribes of South American Indians.


The value of the images is how they are plotted. All images are made using templates, hollow tubular bones and mineral paints. Also, scientists have speculated why left-handed images are left on the walls. Blowing paint using a bone tube from an Indian artist is easier, holding it with your right hand.The dyes that the ancient Indians used are in a variety of colors such as black, yellow, white or red.
Around the hunting scenes and the hands of the Cave ceiling, red dots have been discovered that are probably left with the help of dipped in paint, then discharged upwards of the blasai (Indian weapons).The cave of hands today is on the list of UNESCO and has been under the protection of the organization since 1999.

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Pepa Tabakova

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